Material and Corrosion Audit- MCA

A Comprehensive Approach for Plants and Piping

Corrosion is the enemy of all materials, particularly in industrial plants and piping. It can cause structural damage, leaks, and failures that could lead to accidents, environmental damage, and economic losses. In order to prevent or mitigate corrosion, a material and corrosion audit is necessary.

A material and corrosion audit is a comprehensive approach that evaluates the materials used in a plant or piping system and assesses the corrosion risks and mechanisms that could affect their performance and integrity. This audit involves various steps and tools that will help identify potential corrosion problems and provide recommendations to prolong material life and prevent failures.

Audit Methodology

The first step in a material and corrosion audit is material characterization and selection. This means identifying the materials used in plant equipment and pipes, evaluating their properties and corrosion resistance, and verifying their compliance with codes and standards. The selection of the right materials is critical, as it will determine the corrosion resistance and durability of the system.

The next step is to determine the corrosion risks and mechanisms that could affect the materials in the plant or pipe system. This involves a thorough analysis of the process conditions, such as temperature, pressure, flow, and chemical exposure. The audit team will also consider the design, fabrication, and operation of the system, including any potential defects, stresses, and vulnerabilities.

Once the corrosion risks have been identified, the audit team will use various tools and techniques to assess the extent and severity of corrosion. This may include visual inspection, non-destructive testing, corrosion rate measurements, and laboratory analysis of samples. The audit team will also evaluate the effectiveness of any existing corrosion protection measures, such as coatings, cathodic protection, or inhibitors.

Based on the results of the audit, the team will provide recommendations to improve the corrosion resistance of the system and prevent or mitigate any potential failures. This may involve replacing or upgrading materials, installing new protection measures, modifying the design or operation of the system, or implementing a corrosion management program.


A material and corrosion audit are essential tools for ensuring the safety, reliability, and longevity of industrial plants and piping systems. By identifying potential corrosion problems and providing effective solutions, it can help prevent accidents, reduce maintenance costs, and enhance overall performance. Moreover, by following best practices and standards, companies can comply with regulatory requirements and demonstrate their commitment to environmental and social responsibility.

In conclusion, a material and corrosion audit is a comprehensive and proactive approach that can help protect the integrity and performance of industrial plants and piping systems. By considering the properties, risks, and mechanisms of corrosion, this audit provides valuable insights and recommendations that can improve safety, quality, and productivity. Therefore, it is essential for companies to invest in this type of audit to ensure the long-term sustainability and success of their operations.


Cormat has extensive experience and successfully completed a list of materials selection and corrosion control projects with clients. A well experienced and expert team in materials selection field make it a unique characteristic of Cormat.

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you would like more information or have any questions.